

Wherever you live in the United States, accountants are in demand. 无论你是想为一家公司经营财务业务,还是想自己创业,帮助个人报税, the options are nearly endless. 据劳动力分析公司Lightcast称,这种需求只会增长. 该公司预计,会计和审计师的职位将增加10%.6% by 2032. 

利用这种不断增长的需求的一个方法是获得会计硕士学位. 但是,这条道路对没有该领域背景的专业人士开放吗?

Who Is a Master’s in Accounting for? 

会计硕士学位可以为那些希望过渡到会计角色的人打开大门, 以及在该领域工作的会计和金融专业人士. 这个研究生学位对于那些希望专攻专业角色或有资格担任领导职务的人来说可能是一个不错的选择. 

而会计硕士学位可能很适合具有广泛背景的个人, 某些特质对于研究生学位课程的成功是很重要的. Accounting may be right for you if you are detail-oriented, organized and enjoy solving complex problems. You don’t need to be a math genius to excel as an accountant; however, it’s essential to be comfortable working with and analyzing numbers. 

What Are the Requirements for a Master’s in Accounting?

注册会计硕士学位课程的要求因学校而异. 然而,根据经验,你必须持有一个认可的学士学位才能获得硕士学位. 一些学校要求研究生入学考试,如GRE或GMAT. Many programs require a certain minimum GPA, transcripts and letters of recommendation, 有些人更喜欢在该领域有专业经验的申请人. 


Ready to make your move in accounting? 在mg不朽情缘游戏网址的免费会计职业指南中获得每个职业阶段的见解.



而你需要一个学士学位才能参加硕士学位课程, 每所学校对会计领域的前期学习都有自己的要求. 许多课程要求申请人持有会计或相关领域的本科学位, such as business or finance. 其他学校也接受拥有不相关学士学位的学生,但要求他们在申请前完成先决课程. 

Franklin University’s M.S. in Accounting 该计划为拥有任何认证学士学位的学生提供独特的衔接课程, even if they have never taken an accounting or business course. Upon being accepted to Franklin’s program, students take five corequisite courses, either at Franklin or another accredited institution, alongside master’s level courses. That means you can earn a master’s in accounting, without any prior study in the field, in as little as 21 months. 


Everyone has to start somewhere, and accounting is no exception. 而会计专业背景可以帮助一些人准备硕士学位, 你不应该因为在这个领域缺乏经验而阻碍你追求你的职业目标. Unlike some master’s degree programs, Franklin University’s M.S. in Accounting does not require work experience. In fact, mg不朽情缘试玩的衔接课程是专门为没有会计背景的学生设计的. If you do have work experience in the field, however, 它可以被评估为可能满足先决条件要求或用于获得实习学分.

如果你想在学习期间获得工作经验来充实你的简历, Franklin’s faculty can help you find internship, co-op or apprenticeship opportunities. 你也可以参加mg不朽情缘试玩的志愿税务援助计划,在回馈社会的同时提高你的技能. 

Is a Master’s in Accounting Worth It?

硕士学位需要大量的时间和金钱投入, so it makes sense to carefully consider whether it’s right for you. However, this degree does offer a number of advantages.

Like in most professions, 拥有硕士学位的会计师通常比只有本科学位的会计师要求更高的薪水. According to Lightcast, the median advertised salary for accountants and auditors was $71,000 between March 2022 and March 2023. 对于需要硕士学位的职位,这个数字上升到80,300美元. 随着你职业生涯的发展,这种差异会随着时间的推移而加剧, 这意味着硕士学位可能在几年内就能收回成本. 

硕士学位还可能提供更显著的收入优势,帮助你获得更专业的职位或更快地在公司内晋升. 它还可以帮助你获得额外的学分,你需要成为注册会计师(CPA)。, the most in-demand certification in the field, which is required for many highly-paid positions. 

Jumpstart Your Accounting Career at Franklin

No matter your educational and professional background, mg不朽情缘游戏网址可以帮助你在会计领域找到一个有价值的职业. mg不朽情缘游戏网址的100%在线会计硕士课程是为成人学习者设计的, 有了这种灵活性,你就需要平衡学习和生活. 

拥有不相关学科本科学位的学生可以完成mg不朽情缘试玩的学位 M.S. in Accounting and all required corequisite courses in as few as 21 months. 这意味着在不到两年的时间里,你可以很好地实现你的职业目标. 

mg不朽情缘试玩的iacbe认证课程为有需求的会计认证提供有针对性的准备, focusing on the practical skills and tools you need for success. 你将获得个性化的支持,你需要管理你的过渡到会计和获得访问一个强大的专业网络的同学, faculty and alumni. 

Learn more about how Franklin University can help you find your pathway into accounting

Free Guide:
Kick-starting and Advancing Your Accounting Career